МОСКВА, 19 декабря 2016 г. Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения (ВЦИОМ) представляет данные исследования об отношении россиян к созданной весной этого года Федеральной службе войск национальной гвардии РФ (Росгвардии).
О создании Федеральной службы войск национальной гвардии РФ (Росгвардии) знают 52% россиян, не слышали о создании нового федерального органа исполнительной власти 47%. Суждения о том, что представляет из себя эта структура, противоречивы и не всегда соответствуют реальности: более половины граждан говорят, что это совершенно новая структура, не имеющая аналогов (58%), 57% считают Росгвардию одним из подразделений Министерства внутренних дел РФ.
Вместе с этим граждане в целом правильно называют главные задачи, стоящие перед силовым ведомством. Среди функций Росгвардии россияне, прежде всего, отмечают борьбу с экстремизмом и терроризмом (46%). Около трети респондентов относят к задачам Росгвардии оперативное реагирование в случае возникновения конфликтов (37%), обеспечение защиты главы государства и Правительства (33%) и др.
С появлением новой структуры три четверти опрошенных (76%) ожидают повышения уровня безопасности и защищенности населения. С учетом того, что в круг задач Росгвардии входит борьба с терроризмом и контроль в сфере оборота оружия, деятельность данной структуры должна освещаться СМИ максимально корректно – считают 74% россиян. При этом большинство граждан (61%) заявляют, что в случае неправомерных действий сотрудников Росгвардии готовы сообщать о подобных инцидентах.
Информация о деятельности Росгвардии востребована населением: 70% респондентов сказали, что она им интересна, из них 43% хотели бы получать сведения любого рода, 28% - информацию о функционале, 24% - об эффективности работы, 22% - о том, чем Росгвардия может помочь персонально им.
Всероссийский опрос ВЦИОМ проведен по инициативе Росгвардии 10-11 декабря 2016 г. Метод опроса – телефонное интервью по стратифицированной двухосновной случайной выборке стационарных и мобильных номеров объемом 1600 респондентов. Выборка построена на основе полного списка телефонных номеров, задействованных на территории РФ. Данные взвешены на вероятность отбора и по социально-демографическим параметрам. Для данной выборки максимальный размер ошибки с вероятностью 95% не превышает 2,5%. Помимо ошибки выборки смещение в данные опросов могут вносить формулировки вопросов и различные обстоятельства, возникающие в ходе полевых работ.
Подробнее с результатами исследования можно ознакомиться здесь.
Russians expect from the new Federal National Guard Troops Service increased levels of security and want to know more about this body.
MOSCOW, December 19, 2016. Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM) presents the data of a survey describing the Russian attitudes towards a new body titled Federal National Guard Troops Service (National Guard).
Fifty-two percent of Russians are aware of the establishment of the Federal National Guard Troops Service (National Guard); 47% did not hear about it. Russians have ambiguous perceptions which do not necessarily conform to reality: more than half of Russians think that this is a new agency which is unequalled (58%); 57% think that the body is part of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
At the same time, Russians name correctly the tasks that this security body is entrusted with. First, they mention the fight against extremism and terrorism (46%). About one-third of respondents cite rapid reaction in the face of emerging conflicts (37%) and protection of the head of state and the head of government (33%) et cet.
Three-quarters of respondents (76%) expect increased levels of security and civil defense. Seventy-four percent of Russians believe that it is important for the media to properly cover the activities of this body taking into account its efforts to combat terrorism and its gun control responsibility. At the same time, the majority of Russians (61%) say that it is important to report misconduct by the National Guard officers in case it happens.
Russians would like to know more about the National Guard; 70% are really interested in this body; 43% would like to get any information about it; 28% - to get information about its tasks; 24% - about its performance effectiveness; 22% - to know if the National Guard can help them personally.
For more details please follow this <link>link</link>.
The VCIOM survey was conducted on December 10-11, 2016, using stratified dual-frame random sample based on a complete list of telephone numbers operating in Russia, and involved 1600 respondents. The data were weighted according to selection probability and social and demographic characteristics. The margin of error at a 95% confidence level does not exceed 2.5%. In addition to sampling error, minor changes in question wording and different circumstances arising during the field work can introduce bias into the survey.
In April 2016, the Russian President signed a decree to establish the Federal National Guard Troops Service (National Guard). Did you know about that/ do you hear about that for the first time? (closed-ended question, one answer, %) |
| Total respondents | Aged 18-24 | 25-34 | 35-44 | 45-59 | 60 and over |
Yes, I heard about the National Guard before | 52 | 40 | 44 | 54 | 57 | 56 |
No, this is the first time I hear about that | 47 | 60 | 55 | 45 | 42 | 42 |
Don’t know | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Which of the following statements is closer to your perception of the National Guard? (closed-ended question, one answer, %) |
| Total respondents | Aged 18-24 | 25-34 | 35-44 | 45-59 | 60 and over |
National Guard is a new title for the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs | 32 | 43 | 33 | 37 | 32 | 23 |
National Guard is a totally new body | 58 | 50 | 59 | 54 | 59 | 62 |
Don’t know | 10 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 15 |
Which of the following statements is closer to your perception of the National Guard? (closed-ended question, one answer, %) |
| Total respondents | Men | Women |
National Guard is an independent body | 31 | 37 | 26 |
National Guard is one of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs | 57 | 53 | 60 |
Don’t know | 12 | 10 | 14 |
Which of the following activities do you think are performed by the National Guard? (closed-ended question, not more than ten answers, %) |
| Total respondents |
Combating extremism and terrorism | 46 |
Rapid reaction in the face of emerging conflicts | 37 |
Providing security during mass protest actions | 34 |
Protection of Head of State and Head of Government | 33 |
Combating organized crime | 29 |
Protection of dangerous and strategic facilities | 28 |
Control over drug trafficking | 26 |
Protection of individuals from criminals (cheaters, hooligans) | 25 |
Control over gun trafficking | 23 |
Protection of Russian state borders | 23 |
Protection of schools, hospitals and kindergartens | 18 |
Coordination of private security guards and extra-departmental guards | 9 |
Supermarket, mall and night club security | 4 |
None of the above-mentioned | 3 |
Other | 5 |
Don’t know | 12 |
Do you generally agree or disagree that the establishment of the National Guard will improve the security level and civil defense in Russia? (closed-ended question, one answer, %) |
| Total respondents | Moscow and St.Petersburg | Million cities | More than 500 ths | 100–500 ths | Less than 100 ths | Rural area |
Definitely agree | 33 | 24 | 23 | 25 | 32 | 38 | 39 |
Likely to agree | 43 | 44 | 47 | 44 | 43 | 41 | 42 |
Likely to disagree | 10 | 12 | 14 | 18 | 10 | 8 | 6 |
Definitely disagree | 7 | 9 | 7 | 8 | 7 | 7 | 5 |
Don’t know | 7 | 11 | 9 | 5 | 8 | 6 | 8 |
Combating extremism and terrorism and control over gun trafficking are some of the basic tasks performed by the National Guard. Some say that the activities should be widely and timely covered by the media. Others think that the media should act very carefully and should not reveal all the details about the National Guard activities. Which statement is closer to your point of view? (closed-ended question, one answer, %) |
| Total respondents | Men | Women |
The first one: the media should cover the National Guard activities widely, fully and timely | 22 | 27 | 17 |
The second one; the media should act carefully, should not reveal all the details of the National Guard activities | 74 | 68 | 80 |
Don’t know | 4 | 5 | 3 |
Will you report if the actions of the National Guard officers seem inappropriate to you? (closed-ended question, one answer, %) |
| Total respondents | Aged 18-24 | 25-34 | 35-44 | 45-59 | 60 and over |
Rather yes | 61 | 68 | 67 | 64 | 63 | 49 |
Rather not | 31 | 30 | 29 | 30 | 28 | 38 |
Don’t know | 8 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 9 | 13 |
Is the information about the National Guard interesting to you? (closed-ended question, one answer, %) |
| Total respondents | Aged 18-24 | 25-34 | 35-44 | 45-59 | 60 and over |
Definitely yes | 21 | 12 | 16 | 14 | 22 | 31 |
Rather yes | 49 | 55 | 51 | 53 | 51 | 40 |
Rather not | 18 | 23 | 24 | 21 | 14 | 14 |
Definitely not | 8 | 7 | 6 | 10 | 9 | 9 |
Don’t know | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 6 |
What sort of information about the National Guard is interesting to you? What would you like to know about it? (closed-ended question, any number of answers, % of those who are interested in the National Guard) |
| Total respondents |
Any information about the National Guard | 43 |
Activities | 28 |
Performance effectiveness | 24 |
In what situations it can help me personally | 22 |
Level of professionalism of officers | 17 |
Who can serve in the National Guard | 15 |
How this body differs from other security bodies | 15 |
Its structure | 9 |
I am not interested in the National Guard | 2 |
Other | 1 |
Don’t know | 2 |
Note: Using materials from the site or, as well as distributed by VCIOM, the reference to the source (or hyperlink for the electronic media) is obligatory!