МОСКВА, 16 сентября 2019 г. Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения (ВЦИОМ) представляет данные исследования о месте женщины в современной политике.
За 11 лет удовлетворительные оценки россиян о количестве женщин в политике выросли на 13 п.п. — 40% опрошенных считают, что сейчас в России столько политиков-женщин, сколько должно быть. В 1998 году об этом говорили лишь 27% респондентов. Треть россиян (32%) хотели бы видеть в политике больше женщин, а каждый десятый, напротив, полагает, что в отечественной политике их должно быть меньше (11%).
Как и три года назад, абсолютное большинство опрошенных (81%) считают, что женщины должны принимать участие в политике наравне с мужчинами (82% в 2016). Совершенно согласны с этим утверждением чаще женщины, чем мужчины — 41% против 33%. Каждый десятый (11%) не согласен с равным участием женщин и мужчин в политике. Категорически против равного политического участия высказываются лишь 6% опрошенных.
Большинство россиян (78%) положительно относятся к тому, что женщины занимаются политикой (79% в 2016). Этой позиции преимущественно придерживаются граждане в возрасте 45-59 лет (84%) и от 60 лет и старше (81%). Женщины воспринимают участие представительниц своего пола в политической жизни положительнее, чем мужчины — 82% против 73%.
Говоря о положительных чертах женщин-политиков, россияне часто упоминают свойственное женщинам лучшее понимание социальных проблем и хозяйственность (11%). Помимо этого, россияне акцентируют внимание на ином образе мышления, присущей женщинам интуиции (8%), их профессионализме и мудрости (7%), а также мягкости и доброте характера (5%).
К недостаткам женщин-политиков в сравнении с их коллегами-мужчинами относят мягкость характера (9%) и эмоциональность (9%). Помехой в профессиональной деятельности для женщины может стать и необходимость заниматься семьей и детьми (6%). Также некоторые россияне считают женщин-политиков склонными к необдуманным, недальновидным решениям (3%) и непрофессиональному поведению (3%).
Называя первых пришедших на ум российских женщин-политиков и общественных деятелей, большинство респондентов вспоминают Валентину Матвиенко (33%), Ирину Хакамаду (12%) и Эллу Памфилову (9%).
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Woman in politics are important; their number is sufficient or should be even greater, according to Russians. As to their advantages, respondents point to intuition, social skills and thriftiness; their disadvantages are soft character, emotions and preoccupation with family.
Woman in politics are important; their number is sufficient or should be even greater, according to Russians. As to their advantages, respondents point to intuition, social skills and thriftiness; their disadvantages are soft character, emotions and preoccupation with family.
MOSCOW, September 16, 2019. Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM) presents the findings of a survey devoted to the role of women in modern politics.
Today 40% of respondents consider that today the number of female politicians in Russia is sufficient (27% in 1998); the share of those who positively perceive women’s participation in politics has increased by 13 p.p. over eleven years. One-third of Russians (32%) think that there should be more female politicians; on the contrary, every tenth thinks their number should be lower (11%).
As three years ago, an overwhelming majority of respondents (81%) believe that women should participate in politics equally with men (82% в 2016). This stance is strongly shared by women (41% vs 33% of men). Every tenth (11%) opposes the idea; only 6% are strongly against women’s participation in politics.
Most of Russians (78%) perceive positively women’s political participation (79% in 2016). They are mainly Russians aged 45-59 (84%) and those aged 60 and over (81%). Women tend to perceive female politicians more positively than men (82% vs 73%).
As to positive qualities of women politicians, Russians often cite a better understanding of social problems and economy (11%). Russians also point to another way of thinking, their intuition (8%), their professionalism and wisdom (7%), as well as their soft and kind character (5%).
Compared to men, the disadvantages of women politicians are their soft character (9%) and emotional nature (9%). Barrier to professional career can be their preoccupation with family and children (6%). Respondents also say women are more likely to make irrational short-sighted decisions (3%) and to be lacking professionalism (3%).
When Russians think of female politicians, most of them mention Valentina Matvienko (33%), Irina Khakamada (12%) and Ella Pamfilova (9%).
VCIOM-Sputnik survey was conducted on September 12, 2019. The survey involved 1,600 Russians aged 18 and over. The survey was telephone-based and carried out using stratified dual-frame random sample based on a complete list of landline and mobile phone numbers operating in Russia. The data were weighted according to selection probability and social and demographic characteristics. The margin of error at a 95% confidence level does not exceed 2.5%. In addition to sampling error, minor changes in question wording and different circumstances arising during the fieldwork can introduce bias into the survey.
How do you perceive the fact that many women participate in politics today? ( closed-ended question, one answer, % of total respondents ) |
| 2016 | 2019 |
Positively | 79 | 78 |
Negatively | 16 | 14 |
Don’t know | 5 | 8 |
How do you perceive the fact that many women participate in politics today? ( closed-ended question, one answer, % of total respondents ) |
| Total | Aged 18-24 | 25-34 | 35-44 | 45-59 | 60 and over |
Positively | 78 | 70 | 73 | 73 | 84 | 81 |
Negatively | 14 | 16 | 18 | 16 | 11 | 12 |
Don’t know | 8 | 14 | 8 | 11 | 5 | 7 |
How do you perceive the fact that many women participate in politics today? (closed-ended question, one answer, , % of total respondents) |
| Total | Men | Women |
Positively | 78 | 73 | 82 |
Negatively | 14 | 18 | 11 |
Don’t know | 8 | 9 | 7 |
Do you agree/disagree that women should participate in politics at similar levels to men? (closed-ended question, one answer, % of total respondents) |
| 2016 | 2019 |
Definitely agree | 49 | 38 |
Rather agree | 33 | 43 |
Rather disagree | 9 | 11 |
Definitely disagree | 8 | 6 |
Don’t know | 1 | 2 |
Do you agree/disagree that women should equally participate in politics at similar levels to men ? (closed-ended question, one answer, % of total respondents) |
| Total | Men | Women |
Definitely agree | 38 | 33 | 41 |
Rather agree | 43 | 44 | 43 |
Rather disagree | 11 | 14 | 9 |
Definitely disagree | 6 | 7 | 5 |
Don’t know | 2 | 2 | 2 |
In your opinion, should there be a greater/smaller number/just the same number of female politicians in Russia, or should women not participle in politics? (closed-ended question, one answer, % of total respondents) |
| 1998 | 2011 | 2016 | 2017 | 2019 |
Greater than now | 45 | 37 | 37 | 32 | 32 |
The same amount | 27 | 33 | 38 | 38 | 40 |
Smaller than now | 9 | 14 | 11 | 11 | 11 |
Women should not participate in politics | 10 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 7 |
Don’t know | 9 | 7 | 6 | 11 | 9 |
What disadvantages do the female politicians have compared to men? (open-ended question, up to 3 answer; answers of at least 1% o respondents) |
| Total |
Soft character | 9 |
Being emotional | 9 |
Being busy not only with job / children, family | 6 |
Short-sighted nature / hasty decisions | 3 |
Lack of professionalism | 3 |
Ambitions / greed | 2 |
Lack of trust towards women and male authoritarianism | 1 |
Physical weakness | 1 |
Another mindset / logic | 1 |
They speak too much / inappropriate statements | 1 |
I do not trust / it’s not a female role | 1 |
Lack of constituency, indeterminism | 1 |
Protection issue | 1 |
Jealousy / competition | 1 |
Other | 2 |
None | 7 |
Don’t know | 58 |
What advantages’ do the female politicians have compared to men? (open-ended question, up to 3 answers; answers of at least 1% o respondents) |
| Total |
Better understanding of social problems / closer to people/ economy | 11 |
Another way of thinking / intuition | 8 |
Professionalism / intellect / wisdom | 7 |
Soft character and kindness | 5 |
Common sense | 4 |
Honesty | 3 |
Lower proneness to conflict /aggression | 3 |
Appearance / femininity / charm | 3 |
Mother / care for children | 3 |
Rationality | 2 |
Struggle for women / understanding women’s problems | 2 |
Responsibility | 2 |
Emotional stability | 1 |
High capacity for work | 1 |
Thoroughness / carefulness / organized nature | 1 |
Tact / sociability | 1 |
None | 5 |
Other | 2 |
Don’t know | 48 |
Can you name three Russian female politicians that come to your mind first? (open-ended question, up to 3 answers; answers of at least 1% of respondents) |
| Total |
Matvienko | 33 |
Khakamada | 12 |
Pamfilova | 9 |
Sobchak | 7 |
Tereshkova | 7 |
Golikova | 6 |
Rodnina | 4 |
Skvortsova | 4 |
Nabiullina | 3 |
Yarovaya | 3 |
Kabaeva | 2 |
Zakharova | 2 |
Poklonskaya | 2 |
Sobol | 2 |
Kozhevnikova | 1 |
Golodets | 1 |
Starovoytova | 1 |
Other | 5 |
Don’t know | 40 |