17 ИЮНЯ 2021 г. Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения (ВЦИОМ) представляет данные опроса, приуроченного ко Дню отца.
Более половины россиян (55%) считают, что День отца нужно сделать официальным праздником в нашей стране, 38% опрошенных с этим не согласны. Чаще других эту идею поддерживают молодые люди 18-24 лет (77%), 25-34-летние (62%) и женщины (62%). Среди противников закрепления за Днем отца официального статуса 46% граждан 45-59 лет и 44% мужчин. За прошедшие четыре года поддержка этой идеи среди россиян снизилась на 7 п.п. (62% в 2017 г.).
Среди тех, кто поддерживает закрепление за Днем отца официального статуса, 25% ответили, что такой праздник должен быть, поскольку есть День матери, 19% сослались на то, что мужских праздников мало, 16% считают, что в этом вопросе должно быть равноправие, 12% отметили важный вклад отца в воспитание ребенка, а 8% вспомнили об отцах-одиночках и многодетных отцах.
Противники идеи установления Дня отца в качестве официального праздника чаще всего аргументировали свое мнение тем, что в таком празднике нет необходимости (30%), праздников и так много (23%), отцы недостойны праздника (15%), для мужчин уже есть 23 февраля, мужчинам не нужен праздник и роль матери важнее (по 6%).
Дети до 18 лет есть у трети россиян (33%), почти у половины респондентов (48%) есть дети 18 лет и старше. Каждый четвертый опрошенный (26%) не имеет детей.
More than half of Russians believe that Father’s Day should be official. Those who support the idea favor gender equality and think it is important to emphasize the fathers’ contribution to the child rearing.
JUNE 17, 2021. Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM) presents the findings of a survey devoted to Father’s Day.
More than half of Russians (55%) consider that Father’s Day should be an official holiday; 38% of respondents disagree with that. Young Russians aged 18-24 (77%), the 25-34-year-olds (62%) and women (62%) are more likely to support the idea. Forty-six percent of the 45-59-year-olds and 44% of men oppose the idea to make Father’s Day an official holiday. Over the recent four years the number of Russians who support the idea has decreased by 7 p.p. (62% in 2017).
Of those who favor making Father’s Day an official holiday, 25% say there should be such holiday because there is Mother’s Day; 19% say that there are few male holidays; 16% consider there shod be equality; 12% point to father’s contribution to child rearing; 8% point to single fathers and fathers with many children.
Those who oppose the idea to make Father’s Day an official holiday often say that this holiday is not important (30%), there are too many holidays (23%), fathers do not deserve a holiday (15%), men have February 23, men do not need a holiday and mother’s role is more important (6%, each).
One-third of Russians say they have children under the age of 18 (33%); almost half of respondents (48%) have children aged 18 and older. Every fourth respondent (26%) does not have children.
Russian nationwide VCIOM-Sputnik survey was conducted on June 13, 2021. A total of 1,600 of Russians aged 18 and older took part in the survey. Results are based on telephone interviews. Stratified dual-frame random sample based on a complete list of Russian landline and mobile phone numbers was used. The data were weighted according to selection probability and social and demographic characteristics. The margin of error at a 95% confidence level does not exceed 2.5%. In addition to sampling error, minor changes to the wording of questions and different circumstances arising during the fieldwork can introduce bias into the survey.
Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June in many countries of the world. In Russia there is no official date to celebrate this holiday. Do you think is it important to make it an official holiday? (closed-ended question, one answer, % of total respondents) |
| 2017 | 2021 |
Definitely yes | 37 | 24 |
Rather yes | 25 | 31 |
Rather not | 14 | 23 |
Definitely not | 22 | 15 |
Don’t know | 2 | 7 |
Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June in many countries of the world. In Russia there is no official date to celebrate this holiday. Do you think is it important to make it an official holiday? (closed-ended question, one answer, % of total respondents) |
| Total respondents | Men | Women | Aged 18-24 | 25-34 | 35-44 | 45-59 | 60 + |
Definitely yes | 24 | 22 | 26 | 43 | 27 | 23 | 18 | 23 |
Rather yes | 31 | 26 | 36 | 34 | 35 | 32 | 30 | 30 |
Rather not | 23 | 25 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 26 | 23 | 23 |
Definitely not | 15 | 19 | 12 | 3 | 12 | 15 | 23 | 13 |
Don’t know | 7 | 8 | 6 | 0 | 6 | 4 | 6 | 11 |
Why do you consider it important to make Father’s Day an official holiday? Several answers are possible (open-ended question, up to 3 answers, % of those who consider it important to make Father’s Day an official holiday; answers of at least 2% of respondents |
| % of those who consider it important to make Father’s Day an official holiday |
If there is Mother’s Day there should be Father’s Day / it is fair | 25 |
Few men’s holidays / this holiday is important / most of fathers are good / good fathers deserve it | 19 |
Father is also a parent like mother/ there should be equality / father gives life | 16 |
Father makes his contribution / plays an important role in child rearing | 12 |
There are single fathers / fathers with many children | 8 |
Fathers’ role should be improved / status / authority | 7 |
This holiday would help them become more responsible | 5 |
Family depends on father / breadwinner / he earns money | 3 |
Father is the head of the family, breadwinner and protection | 3 |
I am a father myself | 3 |
Everyone needs a father / father is important for a family / a role model to children | 3 |
They will like it / they will feel they are important | 2 |
You can gather all the family / Children can see their fathers | 2 |
To strengthen the institution of family / fatherhood | 2 |
Other | 3 |
Don’t know | 9 |
Why do you consider it unimportant to make Father’s Day an official holiday? Several answers are possible (open-ended question, up to 3 answers, % of those who consider it unimportant to make Father’s Day an official holiday; answers of at least 2% of respondents) |
| % of those who consider it unimportant to make Father’s Day an official holiday |
No need / no reason / no sense / it is not necessary | 30 |
Too many holidays / enough holidays / when to work? | 23 |
Most of fathers do not take part in child rearing / they leave families / few good fathers / they do not deserve a holiday | 15 |
Men have February 23 holiday and other holidays | 6 |
Fatherhood is not heroism / men do not need a holiday / child knows who his/her father is | 6 |
Mother’s role is more important / mothers have more responsibility | 6 |
It is important to honor father not only on the holiday day / all those interested honor their fathers anyway | 5 |
Mother’s Day is enough | 4 |
A western holiday / unusual for Russia | 3 |
They distract people from their problems/ there are more important things in the country than establishing new holidays / financial load | 3 |
Fatherhood is a responsibility, no holiday is needed for that / they should be busy with child rearing / with the protection of their families | 3 |
There is Family Day/ there should be Parents’ Day | 2 |
I raise my children by myself / no father / I was raised without a father | 2 |
Other | 2 |
Don’t know | 7 |
Do you have children? (closed-ended question, up to 2 answers, % of total respondents) |
| Total respondents |
A minor child/children (under 12) | 33 |
A child/children aged 18 and older | 48 |
No children | 26 |
Refusal to answer | 0 |
Note: Using materials from the site www.wciom.ru or wciom.com, as well as distributed by VCIOM, the reference to the source (or hyperlink for the electronic media) is obligatory.