МОСКВА, 21 февраля 2020 г. Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения (ВЦИОМ) представляет данные опроса, приуроченного ко Дню защитника Отечества.
23 февраля — это…
23 февраля перестает быть праздником всех российских мужчин. Если таковым этот день в 2005 году считали почти половина россиян (46%), то сегодня этого мнения придерживаются чуть больше четверти — 27%. Последние пятнадцать лет эта дата теряет свое исключительно гендерное измерение и все чаще воспринимается в связи с военной профессией и воинским долгом: как день российских военнослужащих (39%, плюс 7 п.п.) или, в историческом контексте, как день рождения Красной Армии (24%, плюс 11 п.п.).
Доля тех, кто относится к этому дню индифферентно и считает обычным выходным, за все время мониторинга никогда не превышала 5–8%.
Кого можем поздравить?
Если исходить из суждения, что поздравление с Днем защитника Отечества заслужили только российские военнослужащие, то получат его треть россиян. Именно такая доля наших соотечественников служили в армии по данным на 2020 год (29%), как и девять лет назад (32% в 2011 г.). Чаще с военной службой были связаны мужчины (61%), а также россияне 45–59-лет— 40%. Среди женщин служили и могут получить поздравление на 23 февраля только 3%.
Поздравляют женщин-военных с Днем защитника Отечества 27% россиян. Служившие чаще знают женщин-военнослужащих (43%) и почти все (9 из 10) их поздравляют. Кто не служил, реже знакомы с женщинами-военнослужащими (28%) и реже их поздравляют (примерно 7 из 10).
Кого хотим видеть на военной службе?
В ходе опроса россиянам были заданы вопросы о том, хотели ли бы они, чтобы их дочь и их сын выбрали военную специальность и служили в Вооруженных силах РФ. Ответы на данные вопросы отразили наличие гендерных стереотипов насчет службы в армии. Так, соотношение желающих к нежелающим видеть своего ребенка (в том числе гипотетического) на военной службе было 2:1 при вопросе о сыне и 1:2, если речь шла о дочери.
Россияне, имеющие личный опыт службы в армии, чаще хотели бы видеть свою дочь на военной службе (35%, на 5 п.п. больше, чем все опрошенные).
Почему «да» и почему «нет»?
Обоснование одобрения прохождения своими детьми (реальными или гипотетическими) военной службы также имеет гендерную дифференциацию. Так, в случае дочери, россияне хотели бы видеть её на службе в армии, прежде всего потому, что это дисциплинирует (13%), дает стабильность (11%), а также престижно или вызывает уважение (11%). В случае же с сыном причинами одобрения такого карьерного пути стали представления о том, что это мужское дело (25%), связано с защитой Родины и семьи (15%), а также дисциплинирует (12%) и признается престижным занятием (11%).
Самое популярное объяснение нежелания видеть свою дочь на военной службе: армия не женское дело, армия — для мужчин. Так считает практически половина наших соотечественников (42%). В списке причин возможного неодобрения выбора сыном военной карьеры лидирует опасение за его жизнь (17%), а также личностные особенности характера ребенка (6%), разруха в армии (6%) или пацифизм опрашиваемого (6%).
Сопоставление результатов открытых вопросов дает нам понимание образа военнослужащего и характерных черт, связанных со службой в армии. Маскулинные черты, такие как мужественность или способность быть защитником для своей семьи и Родины, по-прежнему в сознании россиян соотносятся с представителями мужского пола, а военная служба является способом данные черты проявить и подтвердить. Тем не менее есть представления о военной службе, не зависящие от пола: прохождение службы связывают с хорошей дисциплиной и престижностью профессии, вызывающей уважение у окружающих. Это в очередной раз подтверждает, что в сознании россиян армия является общественным институтом, заслуживающим <link news ratings odobrenie_deyatelnosti_obshhestvennyx_institutov>наибольшего одобрения.
Подарок на 23 февраля
С учетом гендерной обусловленности данного праздника в ходе опроса были выявлены подарки, которые мужчины хотели бы получить в этот день, а также презенты, которые женщины планируют преподнести своим друзьям и близким мужчинам.
Так, мужчины хотели бы получить в этот день в первую очередь внимание своих близких — об этом сообщает практически каждый третий (27%). Далее в вишлисте находятся автомобиль (17%), путевка в туристическую поездку (15%), квартира или дом (13%), внимание от государства (11%), деньги (10%) или удочка, снасти для рыбалки (10%).
Женщины чаще всего планируют проявить внимание и приготовить праздничный ужин для своих близких мужчин (31%), а также подарить парфюмерию, бижутерию или косметику (28%), сувениры (17%), одежду или обувь (14%), деньги (10%).
О настоящих мужчинах
Настоящие мужчины — честные, прямые и искренние — должны беречь своих близких и заботиться о них, принимать участие в ведении хозяйства наравне с женщинами, но ограждать их от службы в армии и необходимости кормить семью.
- В мужчинах ценят честность и прямоту (19%)
- Россияне считают, что в ведении хозяйства, воспитании детей и формировании семейного досуга представители обоих полов должны принимать равное участие
- Мужчина должен быть кормильцем в семье (59%), чаще так считают сами мужчины — 65%
Every third respondent would not mind if their daughter chose a military career.
Every third respondent would not mind if their daughter chose a military career.
MOSCOW, February 21, 2020. Russian Public Opinion Research Centre (VCIOM) presents the data of a study devoted to Defender of the Fatherland Day.
February 23 is…
February 23th is no longer a holiday devoted to all the Russian men. Currently, this stance is only shared by 27% of Russians (vs 46% in 2005). Today this day is more likely to be perceived as a military holiday rather than a gender-specific one: 39% view it as a day of Russian military personnel (a 7-point increase); 24% perceive it as the day when the Red Army was born (24%, a 11-point decrease).
Who do we congratulate?
Assuming that congratulations will basically go to Russian military servants, one-third of Russians will receive them. This is the share of Russians who served in the army (29%), as nine years ago (32% in 2011). Those who dealt with military service were often men (61%) and Russians aged 45–59 (40%). As to female respondents, only 3% served in the army, thus, they will also be congratulated on this holiday.
Twenty-seven percent of Russians express congratulations to military women. Those who know military women are mainly those who served in the armed forces (43%); almost all of them (9 out of 10) congratulate them. Those who did not serve in the army do not know too many military women (28%), thus, they congratulate women less often on this day (about 7 out of 10).
Who do we want to be military servants?
When respondents were asked whether they want their son or daughter to choose a military career and to serve in the Russian armed forces (even hypothetically), the ratios between those respondents who were in favor and those who oppose were 2:1 (when asked about son) and 1:2 (when asked about daughter).
Russians who served in the army were more likely to support their daughter in her military choice (35%, a 5-point-greater share compared with the share of all respondents).
Why “yes” and why “no”?
The reasons why Russians say either “yes” or “no” to their children’s military career choice have gender specifics. When it comes to daughters, Russians approve their choice to be a military officer as it builds self-discipline (13%), provides stability (11%) and inspires respect (11%). When it comes to sons, most of respondents say it is “a male profession” (25%), “it deals with the defense of the country and family” (15%), it helps build self-discipline (12%), and it is prestigious (11%).
The main reason why respondents would not like their daughters to serve in the armed forces is that “army is not a profession for women” and “army is for men”. Almost half of respondents think so (42%). Reasons why Russians oppose their son deciding on a military career are as follows: concern over life safety (17%), son’s personal traits (6%), poor situation in the army (6%) or respondent’s pacifist attitude (6%).
Gift for February 23
What men would like to get and what women are going to give for this holiday are also revealed in the survey.
What men would like to receive on this day is attention of their family: almost every third male respondent says so (27%). The wish list also includes cars (17%), travel voucher (15%), apartment or house (13%), attention from the state (11%), money (10%), fishing rod or fishing gear (10%).
As to women, they are going to cook a dinner (31%), to give perfumery, bijouterie or beauty product (28%), souvenirs (17%), clothes and shoes (14%), or money (10%) as gifts.
Russian VCIOM-Sputnik survey was conducted February 18, 2020. Results are based on telephone interviews with 1,600 Russians aged 18 and older. A stratified dual-frame random sample based on a complete list of Russian landline and mobile phone numbers is used. The data were weighted according to selection probability and social and demographic characteristics. The margin of error at a 95% confidence level does not exceed 2.5%. In addition to sampling error, minor changes in question wording and different circumstances arising during the fieldwork can introduce bias into the survey.
For you, February 23th is … (closed-ended question, one answer, %, “other” answers are not shown) |
| 2005 | 2006 | 2018 | 2020 |
A day dedicated to all Russian military personnel | 32 | 31 | 39 | 39 |
Russian men' s day | 46 | 42 | 34 | 27 |
Birthday of the Red Army* | 13 | 19 | 19 | 24 |
An ordinary day off | 8 | 7 | 5 | 6 |
Don’t know | 1 | 1 | 3 | 0 |
* In 2005 and 2006, the wording was “Day when the Red Army was established”
Did you personally serve in the army? (closed-ended question, one answer, %) |
| 2011 | 2018 | 2020 |
Yes | 32 | 31 | 29 |
No | 66 | 69 | 71 |
Refusal to answer/ Don’t know | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Did you personally serve in the army, or not? (closed-ended question, one answer, %) |
| Total respondents | Men | Women | Aged 18-24 | Aged 25-34 | Aged 35-44 | Aged 45-59 | 60 and older |
Yes | 29 | 61 | 3 | 11 | 21 | 25 | 40 | 30 |
No | 71 | 39 | 97 | 89 | 79 | 75 | 60 | 70 |
Refusal to answer/ Don’t know | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Are there any female military officers among your friends/ acquaintances? If yes, do you congratulate them on the Defender of the Fatherland Day? (closed-ended question, one answer, % of total respondents) |
| Total respondents | Men | Women | Those who served in the army | Those who did not serve in the army |
Yes, I do | 27 | 31 | 24 | 40 | 22 |
No, I don’t | 5 | 4 | 6 | 3 | 6 |
I do not now nay female military servants | 68 | 65 | 70 | 57 | 72 |
Don’t know | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Would you like your daughter to choose the military profession and to serve in the Russian armed forces? (closed-ended question, one answer, % of total respondents) |
| Total respondents | Aged 18-24 | Aged 25-34 | Aged 35-44 | Aged 45-59 | 60 and older |
Rather yes | 30 | 23 | 26 | 36 | 28 | 32 |
Rather no | 60 | 68 | 64 | 57 | 61 | 57 |
Don’t know | 10 | 9 | 10 | 7 | 11 | 11 |
Would you like your daughter to choose the military profession and to serve in the Russian armed forces? (closed-ended question, one answer % of total respondents) |
| Total respondents | Those who served in the army themselves | Those who did not serve in the army | Those who have minor children | Those who have children aged over 18 | No children |
Rather yes | 30 | 35 | 28 | 30 | 31 | 28 |
Rather no | 60 | 54 | 63 | 61 | 60 | 61 |
Don’t know | 10 | 11 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 11 |
Why would you like your daughter to choose the military profession and to serve in the Russian armed forces? (open-ended question, up to three answers, % of those who would like their daughter to chose a military profession) |
| Total respondents |
Discipline / it builds self-discipline | 13 |
Stability | 11 |
Prestige / respect / honor | 11 |
Her choice / it is up to her | 9 |
Army makes you stronger / character building / experience | 9 |
Defending the home country, family | 8 |
Salary / well-being | 8 |
Duty / to serve motherland / patriotism | 7 |
Social security / benefits | 6 |
It is good in the army / I perceive the army positively | 5 |
Military men in the family / I served in the army myself | 5 |
Prospects / career / opportunities | 5 |
Decent profession / It is noble | 4 |
Early retirement / decent pension | 4 |
I would like to be a military servant myself | 4 |
Accommodation/mortgage is provided | 3 |
I like the military staff | 3 |
Character / It suits her character / she has the capability | 3 |
Nice uniform / it is beautiful | 3 |
Other | 5 |
Don’t know | 12 |
What is the reason why you would not like your daughter to choose the military profession and to serve in the Russian armed forces? (open-ended question, up to three answers, % of those who would not like their daughter to choose the military profession) |
| Total respondents |
Not a female profession / army is for men | 42 |
Dangerous / I fear for her life | 6 |
Childbearing / family / to raise children / housekeeping | 5 |
It is bad in the army / poor situation in the army / there is nothing good there / breakup | 5 |
It is difficult in the army / hard / heavy load | 4 |
Personal experience / I know what it is / I served in the army myself / my husband/son served | 4 |
Daughter’s personal traits / not inclined to serve in the army / other interests | 3 |
Her personal business / her choice / it is not her desire | 3 |
She has chosen another profession | 2 |
There are other areas /profession / more interesting professions | 2 |
I fear for her / I am worried | 2 |
Health problems / You need to be physically strong | 2 |
I have no daughter | 1 |
Other | 2 |
Don’t know | 13 |
Would you like your son to choose the military profession and to serve in the Russian armed forces? (closed-ended question, one answer, % of total respondents) |
| Total respondents | Those who served in the army themselves | Those who did not serve in the army | Those who have minor children | Those who have children aged over 18 | No children |
Rather yes | 63 | 65 | 62 | 64 | 65 | 56 |
Rather no | 28 | 24 | 30 | 28 | 26 | 35 |
Don’t know | 9 | 11 | 8 | 8 | 9 | 9 |
Why would you like your son to choose the military profession and to serve in the Russian armed forces? (open-ended question, up to three answers, % of those who would like their son to chose the military profession) |
| Total respondents |
Men’s profession / for true men / it builds masculinity | 25 |
Protection of motherland, family | 15 |
Discipline / it helps build self-discipline | 12 |
It is prestigious / respect / honor | 11 |
Army forms your character / strong character / experience | 10 |
Salary / well-being | 8 |
Duty / to serve your country / patriotism | 8 |
Social security / benefits | 6 |
Prospects / career / opportunities | 6 |
Military family / I served in the army myself | 6 |
Stability | 5 |
Development / education | 5 |
Decent profession / noble | 4 |
His choice / it is up to his choice | 3 |
Accommodation/mortgage is provided | 3 |
It is good in the army / I perceive army positively | 2 |
Early retirement / decent pension | 2 |
Other | 4 |
Don’t know | 6 |
What is the reason why you would not like your son to choose the military profession and to serve in the Russian armed forces? (open-ended question, up to three answers, % of those who would not like their son to choose the military profession; answers of at least 3% of respondents) |
| Total respondents |
Dangerous / I fear for his life | 17 |
Son’s personal traits / not inclined to serve in the army / other interests | 6 |
It is bad in the army/ poor situation in the army / there is nothing good there / breakup | 6 |
Against wars /violence / for peace | 6 |
Personal experience / I know what it is / I served in the army | 4 |
Dependence on superiors / poor perception / lack of freedom | 4 |
There are other areas /profession / more interesting professions | 4 |
I do not trust the government / I do not like Russian politics / no desire to protect oligarchs | 3 |
Military conflicts / hop spots / I do not want him to participate in wars | 3 |
Lack of opportunities for self-development | 3 |
Not prestigious / no prospects | 3 |
Health problems | 3 |
His personal business / his choice / it is not his desire | 3 |
Hazing / discrimination | 3 |
Other | 3 |
Don’t know | 16 |
What would you like to get as a gift for February 23th? (closed-ended question, up to four answers, % of men, answers of at least 4% of respondents) |
| Men |
Attention from family | 27 |
Car | 17 |
Travel voucher, trip | 15 |
House, apartment | 13 |
Attention from the state | 11 |
Money | 10 |
Fishing rod, fishing gear | 10 |
Tickets to concerts, theatres, dinner at a restaurant | 7 |
Mobile phone, smartphone, other gadgets | 5 |
Book | 5 |
Tools for home repairs | 4 |
I do not want anything as a gift | 14 |
Don’t know | 3 |
What are you going to give as a gift for February 23th? (closed-ended question, up to four answers, % of female respondents, answers of at least 4% of respondents) |
| Women |
I will cook a dinner | 31 |
Perfumery, beauty products, bijouterie | 28 |
Souvenirs (pens, notebooks, wallet, etc.) | 17 |
Shoes, clothes | 14 |
Money | 10 |
Car accessories | 7 |
Book | 5 |
Alcohol, sweets, culinary delights | 5 |
Sport gear, gym membership | 5 |
Tools for home repairs | 4 |
Games, toys | 4 |
Tickets to concerts, theatres, dinner at a restaurant | 4 |
I will not give anyone anything | 17 |
Don’t know | 3 |
Note: Using materials from the site or, as well as distributed by VCIOM, the reference to the source (or hyperlink for the electronic media) is obligatory.