МОСКВА, 20 сентября 2010 г. Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения (ВЦИОМ) представляет результаты исследования, проведенного по заказу Всемирного Фонда Дикой Природы (WWF), посвященного отношению россиян к необходимости контроля над лесопользованием. Данные основаны на опросах двух целевых аудиторий: населения России и глав предприятий, занимающихся лесозаготовкой (или их заместители).
Большинство респондентов интересуются проблемой вырубки лесов вблизи места проживания (83%). Эта проблема имеет наибольшее значение для москвичей и петербуржцев (87%), людей предпенсионного возраста (86%), а также высокообразованных участников исследования (87%).
Подавляющее большинство россиян убеждено в необходимости информирования населения о состоянии лесов (86%). В наибольшей степени это мнение разделяют москвичи и петербуржцы (90%) и высокообразованные (91%) респонденты. Опрос представителей лесозаготовительных компаний показал: большинство респондентов в этой целевой аудитории полагает, что информация о состоянии лесов должна быть общедоступной (88%). В то же время, 63% руководителей таких компаний не доверяют наличной информации о фактическом состоянии лесных массивов. Кроме того, 71% предпринимателей сообщили, что отсутствие достоверной информации приводило к финансовым потерям компании.
86% руководителей лесозаготовительных компаний убеждены в необходимости учета интересов населения при планировании рубки леса. В то же время, более трети опрошенных (35%) сообщили, что их предприятие не соблюдает этого принципа. Остальные же чаще всего проводят опросы населения (18%), значительно реже - организуют общественные слушания или компенсируют вырубку леса (по 8%), используют Интернет и СМИ для получения обратной связи (6%).
72% россиян, в свою очередь, готовы принять участие в общественном контроле над деятельностью по вырубке леса. Наиболее активны в этом вопросе жители крупных городов и сел (по 64%), 45-59-летние (75%) и высокообразованные респонденты (79%).
О том, куда следует обращаться с жалобами на незаконную деятельность в лесу, в том числе нелегальную рубку леса, известно сегодня только 18% опрошенных. Информированными оказываются, прежде всего, жители малых городов и сел (21%). Причем респонденты полагают, что жаловаться на подобную деятельность следует, в первую очередь, в местные органы управления (33%), прокуратуру или милицию (32%).
Both Russians and timber companies` executives believe that people can take control over the issues related to forest destruction.
MOSCOW, September 20, 2010. Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM) presents the results of the poll commissioned by the World Wildlife Fund and devoted to the attitudesof Russians toward the need for control over forestry. The data are based upon the poll of two target audiences: Russian population and timber companies' executives.
Most of respondents are interested to know about forest destruction plans near the place of their residence (83%). This problem is important for Muscovites and St.Petersburgians (87%), respondents of pre-retirement age (86%), and highly educated respondents (87%).
An overwhelming majority of Russians is convinced of the need for the increase of awareness of the population about the state of forests (86%). Most of those who think so are Muscovites and St.Petersburgians (90%) and respondents with high level of education (91%). According to representatives of timber enterprises, most of them think that the information about the state of forests should be open (88%). At the same time, 63% of companies` executives do not trust the actual information about the state of forests. Besides that, 71% of entrepreneurs reported that the lack of reliable information led to financial losses.
Eighty-six percent of timber companies` executives are convinced that public opinion should be taken into account when planning forest destruction.Simultaneously, more than one-third of respondents (35%) report that their enterprises do not follow this rule. The rest of them say that they carry on opinion polling (18%), rarer - organize public hearings or compensate for forest destruction (8% for each), use Internet or mass media to get feedback (6%).
Seventy-two percent of Russians, in their turn, are ready to take part in public control over the forest destruction. Most of those who support the idea are residents of big cities and rural area (75%) and respodnents with high level of education (79%).
Only 18% of respondents know which body they should address their complaints over illegal activity in the forests or forest destruction. Those who are well informed are basically residents of small cities and rural area (21%). Remarkably, respondents think that the complaints should be addressed to local authorities first (33%), prosecutor`s office and militia (32%).
The opinion poll was commissioned by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and conducted in August 2010. 1600 respondents at 140 sampling points in 42 regions of Russia and 51 representatives of timber companies from three subjects of Russia (Arkhangelsk oblast, Irkutsk oblast and Krasnoyarsk krai) were interviewed. The statistical error does not exceed 3.4%.
Are you interested to know about plans of forest destruction near the place where you live (near your house or dacha)? (close-ended question, one answer, % of surveyed population) |
| Total respondents | Moscow and St.Petersburg | More than 500thousand | 100 - 500 thousand | Less than 100thousand | Rural area |
Definitely, yes | 47 | 58 | 44 | 42 | 50 | 46 |
Rather yes | 36 | 29 | 40 | 38 | 36 | 34 |
Rather no | 8 | 7 | 5 | 9 | 8 | 12 |
Definitely, no | 4 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 4 |
Hard to tell | 4 | 1 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 5 |
Let us assume that there is a plan to cut down forest near the place where you live. Would you take part in discussion (public hearings) on forest destruction? (close-ended question, one answer, % of surveyed population) |
| Total respondents | Aged 18-24 | Aged 25-34 | Aged 35-44 | Aged 45-59 | Aged 60 and above |
Rather yes | 72 | 67 | 70 | 73 | 75 | 70 |
Rather no | 20 | 22 | 21 | 19 | 18 | 22 |
Hard to tell | 8 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 8 |
Do you know what body should complaints for illegal activity in forest be addressed to? (close-ended question, one answer, % of surveyed population) |
| Total respondents | Moscow and St.Petersburg | More than 500thousand | 100 - 500 thousand | Less than 100thousand | Rural area |
Yes, I know | 18 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 21 | 21 |
No, I do not know | 76 | 85 | 77 | 78 | 73 | 72 |
Hard to tell | 6 | 2 | 8 | 5 | 7 | 7 |
Do you know what body should complaints for illegal activity in forest be addressed to? If yes, which body? (open-ended question, one answer, % of those who know what body the complaints should be addressed to) |
Local authorities | 33 |
Prosecutor`s office, militia | 32 |
Office of Forestry | 22 |
Governor, Prime-Minister, President | 5 |
Environmental organizations, Greenpeace | 4 |
Do you think the population should be informed about the state of forests, plans to plant/cut down forests? (close-ended question, one answer, % of surveyed population) |
| Total respondents | Moscow and St.Petersburg | More than 500thousand | 100 - 500 thousand | Less than 100thousand | Rural area |
Rather yes | 86 | 90 | 86 | 83 | 86 | 87 |
Rather no | 7 | 5 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 7 |
Hard to tell | 6 | 4 | 5 | 9 | 7 | 6 |
Do you think that information about forests which is important for economic planning should be open and accessible? (close-ended question, one answer, % of timber companies` representatives) |
Yes | 88 |
No | 8 |
Hard to tell | 4 |
Do you think the forest estimation match the actual situation? (close-ended question, one answer, % of timber companies` representatives) |
Yes | 20 |
No | 63 |
Hard to tell | 18 |
Did the lack of reliable information lead to financial losses for your company? (close-ended question, one answer, % of timber companies` representatives) |
Yes | 71 |
No | 24 |
Hard to tell | 6 |
In your opinion, should public opinion be taken into account when planning forest destruction? (close-ended question, one answer, % of timber companies` representatives) |
Yes | 86 |
No | 12 |
Hard to tell | 2 |
Does your company take into account public opinion on forest destruction? If yes, how? (close-ended question, any number of answers, % of timber companies` representatives) |
Public interests do not count | 35 |
We conduct opinion polling | 18 |
We work through the forestry office | 10 |
We propose special conditions and offer benefits to compensate for forest destruction | 8 |
We organize public hearings on forest destruction | 8 |
We use mass media to get public feedback | 6 |
Other | 6 |
Hard to tell | 10 |
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