МОСКВА, 20 ноября 2015 г. Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения (ВЦИОМ) представляет данные опроса о том, какая модель потребления энергоресурсов наиболее распространена среди населения, как наши сограждане относятся к росту тарифов и профессии энергетика.
За расходами энергоресурсов с особой тщательностью следит около половины россиян (46%). Подобная модель поведения скорее свойственна пожилым и малообеспеченным, чем молодежи (73% старше 60 лет и 51% респондентов с низким доходом против 25% 18-24-летних и 35% опрошенных с высоким достатком).
Более трети (38%) контролируют потребление энергии от случая к случаю – иногда расходуют бережно, а порой не экономят вовсе. 14% опрошенных признались, что в их семье не принято как-то экономить и ограничивать себя в потреблении энергоресурсов. Следят за потреблением энергоресурсов в первую очередь люди, стремящиеся к экономии денежных средств (82%), и существенно реже те, кому были привиты соответствующие нормы в процессе воспитания (9%) или те, кто исходит из принципов заботы о природе (3%). А те, кто не контролирует данный процесс, объясняют это отсутствием возможности или желания.
Более трех четвертей россиян (80%) согласны, что уже сегодня мы должны задуматься о том, хватит ли невозобновляемых энергоресурсов нашим детям, и начать экономить. Напротив, 17% считают эту проблему не столь значимой для нашей страны, и говорят, что мы можем расходовать ресурсы не беспокоясь о будущем. Из общественных мероприятий по экономии электроэнергии наибольшей популярностью среди населения пользуются акция льготного обмена традиционных лампочек на энергосберегающие (готовность принять в ней участие выразили 36% опрошенных), «День Земли» (31%), «День без автомобиля» (25%).
Около двух третей опрошенных (62%) в ближайшее время ожидают высоких темпов роста тарифов на электроэнергию, около четверти (27%) также прогнозируют повышение, но плавное. Лишь 2% полагают, что тарифы повышаться не будут. Рост стоимости электроэнергии, по мнению респондентов, скорее приведет к обогащению владельцев и руководителей энергокомпаний (78% считают это вполне возможным) или же «прибыль» пойдет на «латание дыр» (64%). Значительно реже опрошенные говорят о том, что полученные платежи пойдут на строительство современной инфраструктуры (30%). Что касается повышения тарифов на газ и нефть, то большинство (76%) также полагает, что в этом случае деньги уйдут в карман владельцев и руководителей нефтегазовых компаний. Проведение акций протеста против повышения тарифов на энергоресурсы в своем родном городе/селе считает вероятным 31% опрошенных и 40% допускают свое участие в них.
При этом каждый второй россиянин (49%) осознает опасность того, что неполучение энергетическими компаниями оплаты услуг от граждан, может привести к замораживанию работ по подготовке объектов к зиме и создания запасов топлива, повышению рисков аварий. Иного мнения придерживаются 37% - они полагают, что неплатежи никак не скажутся на обществе в целом, а лишь станут причиной снижения прибыли энергетическими компаниями.
Ответственность за контроль работы энергетических компаний наши сограждане возлагают прежде всего на государство (70%), а уже потом на самих себя (34%), и еще реже – на СМИ (15%), в материалах которых, к слову, большинству (61%), по их собственным словам, не встречаются сообщения о состоянии российской энергетики.
В целом же энергетики в нашем обществе воспринимаются как специалисты, которым постоянно необходимо осваивать новые, сложные технологии (73%), чья работа сопряжена с высокой ответственностью и рисками (68%). К их обязанностям граждане относят прежде всего оперативность при восстановления энергоснабжения после аварий (39%), обеспечение комфортных условий в квартире/доме (35%), контроль за качеством эксплуатируемого оборудования (34%), модернизацию тепло- и электросетей, внедрение новых технологий (33%).
Всероссийский опрос ВЦИОМ 7-8 ноября 2015 г. Опрошено 1600 человек в 130 населенных пунктах в 46 областях, краях и республиках России. Статистическая погрешность не превышает 3,5%.
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More than three-quarters of Russians think it is important to save energy resources for future generation; at the same time, in reality less than half of Russians keep track of energy consumption in everyday life.
MOSCOW, November 20, 2015. Russian Public Opinion Research Centre (VCIOM) presents the data of the survey concerning the type of behavior Russians choose to achieve the energy efficiency; what they think about increasing tariffs and the profession of power engineer.
About half of Russians keep a sharp eye on energy consumption (46%). Those who do so are mainly elderly respondents and people with low income rather that young Russians (73% of those aged over 60 and 51% of respondents with low income versus 25% of Russians aged 18-24 and 35% of people with high income).
More than one-third of Russians (38%) control the energy consumption from time to time: sometimes they use energy gently, sometimes they do not try to save it at all. Fourteen percent of respondents report that it is not common to limit the energy use consumption in their families. Those who economize energy are mainly people who save up money (82%) and rarer those who were instilled certain mode of behavior (9%) or who take care of nature (3%). Those who do not keep an eye on the energy use say that they have no desire and no opportunity for that.
More than three-quarter of Russians (80%) think that today people should ponder whether non-renewable sources of energy are sufficient for the future generations and start economizing. On the contrary, 17% believe that this problem is not so important for Russia and that Russians can consume energy as much as they want. Among public efforts to raise awareness about the energy consumption issues the most popular one is the exchange of the light bulbs for the energy saving bulbs (36% of respondents would take part in this action), the Earth Day (31%) and the Car-free day (25%).
About two-thirds of respondents (62%) expect electricity price tariffs to be raised in the near future; one quarter (27%) expect steadily increase. Only 2% think that tariffs will not be raised. The energy price increase will lead to the enrichment of the heads and owners of energy companies, according to 78% of respondents; 64% say that any benefits will be spent on troubleshooting (64%). Rarely respondents cite building modern infrastructure (30%). As to gas and oil price tariffs’ increase, most of Russians (76%) believe that money will go to the pocket of oil and gas companies’ holders. Thirty-one percent of Russians think that protest actions are likely to happen in their communities; 40% may participate in such actions.
At the same time, every second Russian (49%) recognizes that any failure of Russians to pay electricity bills may lead to suspension of preparation for the winter season, hamper the building of the energy reserves’ and increase the accident risk. They are opposed by 37% of those who believe that non-payments will not bring about social consequences; they may only decrease the amount of benefit the energy companies get.
It is the government’s responsibility to carry out control over the activities of the energy companies (70%); rarer respondents cite citizens (34%) or mass media (15%) which do not cover much the Russian power energy problems (61%).
Overall, power sector employees are perceived as specialists that have to master new sophisticated technologies (73%) and their work is linked to risk and responsibility (68%). Russians think that their functions include rapid decision-making in power supply resumption after accidents (39%), providing comfort in housing (35%), keeping control over the operational equipment maintenance (34%), updating the heat and electrical supply network and introducing new technologies (33%).
The VCIOM opinion poll was conducted November 7-8, 2015; 1600 respondents were interviewed in 130 settlements in 46 regions of Russia. The margin of error does not exceed 3.5%.
Which of the following statements about energy consumption in everyday life best describes the mode of behavior in your family? (close-ended question, one answer, %) |
| Total respondents | Those aged 18-24 | Those aged 25-34 | Those aged 35-44 | Those aged 45-59 | Those aged 60 and over |
We keep a sharp eye on energy consumption and try to economize | 46 | 25 | 39 | 40 | 46 | 73 |
We keep track of our energy consumption from time to time; sometimes we consume energy gently, sometimes not | 38 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 40 | 17 |
We do not keep track of energy consumption; we do not try to economize on energy | 14 | 26 | 16 | 14 | 13 | 7 |
Don’t know | 2 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
There is much talk about economic power consumption and energy-saving technologies in the developed countries; which of the following statements do you most agree with? (close-ended question, one answer, %) |
| Total respondents | Men | Women |
This problem is important for Russia; today we have to think about non-renewable sources of energy that we have to transfer to the future generations and start gently consuming them | 80 | 74 | 84 |
This problem is not so important for Russia; Russia is rich in sources; we can consume as much resources as we want | 17 | 22 | 12 |
Don’t know | 3 | 4 | 3 |
In which of the following actions devoted to the energy-saving problems would you or members of your family take part? (close-ended question, not more than two answers, %) |
| Total respondents |
Exchange of traditional light bulbs for energy-saving ones for bonuses | 36 |
Earth Day action (switching off lights for one hour all over the country) | 31 |
A car-free day | 25 |
Energy-saving days in schools and universities | 9 |
Other ( indicate) | 6 |
Don’t know | 16 |
In your opinion, will the electricity tariffs be rising rapidly or slowly in the near future? (close-ended question, one answer, %) |
| Total respondents | Moscow and St.Petersburg | Million cities | More than 500 ths | 100–500 ths | Less than 100 ths | Rural area |
Rapidly | 62 | 49 | 66 | 60 | 65 | 61 | 66 |
Slowly | 27 | 37 | 27 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 21 |
No rise | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 |
Don’t know | 9 | 11 | 7 | 13 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Russia is planning to increase the heat and electricity tariffs. Will these changes cause the followings consequences in next five years? ? (close-ended question, one answer per each line, %) |
| It will not happen | It is not likely to happen | It is likely to happen | It will not happen | Don`t know |
Modern power supply network will be constructed | 28 | 32 | 15 | 15 | 10 |
Money will go into the pocket of power companies’ heads | 5 | 9 | 31 | 47 | 8 |
Money will be spend on trouble-solving; out-of-date technologies will still be used | 11 | 14 | 30 | 34 | 10 |
Will the oil and gas prices’ increase lead to the following changes in next five years? (close-ended question, one answer per each line, %) |
| It will not happen | It is not likely to happen | It is likely to happen | It will not happen | Don`t know |
New, difficult to access oil and gas reserves will be explored | 14 | 20 | 28 | 29 | 9 |
Money will go into the pocket of the oil and gas companies’ holders | 5 | 10 | 31 | 45 | 8 |
Money will go to the federal budget which will allow increasing social insurance benefits | 30 | 29 | 18 | 13 | 10 |
Russian power engineers have to deal with regular non-payments of heat and electricity bills by the population and management companies. In your opinion, what consequences may it have? (close-ended question, one answer, %) |
| Total respondents | Moscow and St.Petersburg | Million cities | More than 500 ths | 100–500 ths | Less than 100 ths | Rural area |
It may hamper the winter preparation works and the building of the energy reserves; it may increase the risk of emergency situation | 49 | 36 | 48 | 50 | 54 | 50 | 52 |
No consequences; management companies will simply get less benefit | 37 | 55 | 38 | 41 | 36 | 33 | 30 |
Other | 2 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 2 |
Don’t know | 12 | 7 | 11 | 9 | 7 | 14 | 15 |
What forms of control over the work of power companies are most effective, in your opinion? (close-ended question, not more than two answers, %) |
| Total respondents |
State control | 70 |
Public control | 34 |
Mass media control | 15 |
Other | 2 |
Don’t know | 6 |
What re the energy supply workers responsible for? (closed-ended question, not more than three answers, %) |
| Total respondents |
Timely restoration of power service after emergency situation | 39 |
Providing comfort in housing: stable water temperature, absence of voltage variations, indoor level of temperature | 35 |
Control over the quality of operational equipment | 34 |
Upgrading heat and electrical power network; new technologies | 33 |
Observance of deadlines of preventive maintenance (timely start of water distribution after summer suspension of water supply) | 27 |
Quality of work of electricians from the housing management company | 23 |
Creating comfort in public places (streets, roads): illumination level, smart light solutions | 23 |
Charge calculation accuracy; quality of call centre services (call centers; Internet websites) | 12 |
Other (precise what exactly) | 3 |
Don’t know | 5 |
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